Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday, August 11
Created by: Marcy Berlin

Quote for the day:
Author: Maya Angelou

Love life, engage in it, give it all you’ve got. Love it with a passion, because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it.(Christen Bernard)

Well, Sam was on the mark-by Wednesday what seemed impossible on Monday now seems totally possible! Five “so-called” teachers faced a conglomerate of children ready to learn and play. What to do? As if by magic, we have begun to figure things out, found all kinds of activities in which to engage the children and everyone is settling in.

We have been reading stories (with the assistance of our fantastic translators), playing sports, drawing murals, planning a puppet show and engaging in assorted games.

The original plan for the afternoon was for all five of us to go to Knossos. The actual activities were –two at the beach, one relaxing ad two brave souls (Kathleen and Mary) who braved the heat to visit Knossos! Well at least the rest of us will get to see the photos from their hard-earned visit.

We all shared family style dinner at Petousis. A good time was had by all – including Sam’s husband and daughter Alice who arrived for dessert. By, the way, is anyone interested in a twelve year old crocodile?