We approached our final day at school with some trepidation and emotion. We have grown attached to these children with their wide range of abilities, characters, and quirks. The day began with a word search that soon became very competitive, with all the children wanting to complete their search first. There were three different searches on the go at once so some teamwork developed. Such was the enthusiasm to complete the task that it extended into two periods.
Just before third recess we were privileged to have a visit from the Deputy Mayor of Gazi and his secretary. They presented us with certificates thanking us for volunteering. The children from the junior class gave a dazzling performance of “Gangnam Style” led by Sam's daughters, Millie and Gabriella.
With the day coming to an end, I played hide and seek with our children. They were very good, helping me to learn their rules and telling me when it was clear to make a dash for base. Mary Sue was left the onerous task of packing all the books and supplies ready to bring back to the hotel.
As the children drifted off home, it was with a lump in my throat I bade them farewell. It has been a real privilege to spend time with them and both Mary Sue and I hope in some small way we have helped their English and encouraged them to keep working on it.
Looking at our team goals of philanthropy, opportunity, learning, and culture, we can say most definitely that these have all been achieved, but without the help, support, advice and general good craic of Sam, the experience would have been a lesser one. It is fitting to say what wonderful hosts the whole of the Handakas family have been, welcoming us into what feels like their home. Sas efcharistoume gia ola.
Message of the Day:
“May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”
- Irish blessing
Entry submitted by: Lesley