Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Submitted by Elizabeth

Enjoy each day as a new beginning.

Several members had a morning holiday because of a prior scheduled school activity at one school, but the rest of us went out on assignment to the village and local schools.

Children in two classes at school were well behaved and enthusiastic. The more advanced students can handle simple conversation vs. the limited vocabulary of earlier grades.

Upon return to the hotel, we found that poor Nicole was not feeling well. A local prescription of Raki was rubbed on the soles of her feet, prescribed by Sam and Dimitris. We all hope she will soon feel better.

The rest of us got on the bus for a trip to Knossos, the site of several Minoan palaces south of Heraklion. A local guide accompanied us and gave an interesting tour of the palace remains from around 1450 BC. We appreciated the fact that we had visited the archaeological museum in Heraklion on Monday, as we could place a number of items in sites where they had been discovered. Wonderful reproduction of frescos decorated the palace walls. I especially liked the frescoes of the Bull at the end of the tour.

Following our return to town, we spent leisure time but then gathered in the hotel for a walk to the Windmill restaurant for a delicious evening dinner made up of various Greek appetizers which kept coming from the kitchen. Samantha included her children at the meal, who proved good conversationalists and the little one, Alice Jane, enjoyed the children’s area. There was no evening meeting and the after dinner libation of raki soothed the way to dreamless sleep.